WordPress Done Right
Get the right Wordpress website for you from an experienced professional
Wordpress sites from Arcode
WordPress-tekijä pohjoisesta. Tarjoan mutkatonta ja palkittua verkkosivupalvelua yli kymmenen vuoden kokemuksella ja täydellä tyytyväisyystakuulla.
WordPress developer from the North. I offer straightforward and award-winning website development services with over ten years of experience and a full satisfaction guarantee.
Arcode in short
- Founded Arcode in 2022
- I specialize in WordPress website development
- (Fun?) fact: I started website business called Sivututka in 2013, grew team to 6 people, then scaled back to work solo after 10 years. And I love it!
- Get myself a Njetworking Plan after the walls of my home office started to feel dull. Great way to change scenery every once in a while!
School of Gaming Galactic Oy
School of Gaming
Pelien peli – Game of Games
Learning while gaming
School of Gaming tarjoaa pelikasvatusta verkossa. Kaikkien oppituntiemme pääpaino on elämäntaitojen opettelussa. Suuntautumisvaihtoehdot (esports, Minecraft ja teknologia) määrittävät puitteet, joissa taitoja opetellaan.
We are an online school that teaches children various academic, professional and social skills by using Minecraft, Roblox and other games as tools.
SOG – gamers facts
- Founded 2020
- Startup who started going global from Indonesia and then continued to Chile, Peru and Honduras.
- The home of game education with over 100 game educators around the world
Funny fact
- If you need to use the copy machine at Njetworking ask help from Marko
Nextier Oy
Bring your software to the NEXTIER
Nextier is a team of passionate software specialists. Trusted by industry leaders, our cutting-edge solutions empower you to fulfill your vision and bring your ideas to life.
Software development services
Got a problem that needs solving? Let’s talk.
Nextier offers tailored solutions for your software projects, emphasizing user experience, design, and technical performance. We create complete applications from the ground up as well as standalone additions for existing applications. Our versatile services can be customized to fit your specific needs.
Nextier Oy facts:
- Founded in 2021.
- Software design and development services.
- Team of highly experienced specialists.
- World-class partners.
Fun facts Being at Njetworking:
- Organised environment that feels like home.
- Great location at the centre of Oulu.
- Plenty of equipment and utilities.
- Regular events to truly build your Njetwork.
- Daily help wrestling with the printer.
Positive Partnerships
Your Goals
Building positive partnerships globally
Wanting more leads and building your brand?
We build client generation brands which generate leads and sales opportunities for our partners in a consistent, sustainable way. We also help entrepreneurs, influencers and businesses unlock Google ad grants to help them boost their social impact. Our expertise is online advertising and lead generation.
Positive Partnerships @Njetworking
- Relaunched as a Finnish startup in 2023 (originally founded in the UK)
- You drop in at Njetworking and instantly feel at home among friends
- Apart from digital advertising and funnel building, I love to ski and moved to northern Finland for the snowy winters
- Love the sense of community and collaboration fostered by Jan
Tervarit Juniorit
Not only football but social engagement too
Where sports and community work meet
Improving your football and engaging socially
Tarjoamme laadukkaan jalkapalloharrastuksen kaikille. Haluamme olla Pohjois-Suomen paras seura vuodesta toiseen.
We offer quality football coaching for everyone. We want to be the best football club in Northern Finland year by year.
Our Social engagement:
Tervarit Juniorit has been doing employment projects for the past six years. At the moment we are running an employment project called Moving Forward in Oulu. We help people who live in Oulu region to find job and places to study.
Our project group help job seekers in multiple ways such as; creating and updating CV, doing the job search and filling the school applications together. Utilizing previously created connections to local companies, project workers help the companies as well as the job seekers to meet and match. This method also allows our customers to find hidden job opportunities and help companies save time and resources in the recruiting process.
The project arranges short courses to help the job seekers acquire skills needed to get the job they want. Our service is available for all unemployed people and funded by the European Social Fund, City of Oulu, Osao and Tervarit Juniorit.
Tervarit facts
- Born in 1994
- Active football coaches and enthusiastic employment projects
- Working on social engagement and fun together
Toastmasters Club
Northern Speech Wizards Toastmasters Club
Were leaders are made
Toastmasters a place were you can learn to improve your public speech
We are thrilled to welcome each and everyone of you to Northern Speech Wizards Toastmasters Club (The northern most Toastmasters club in Continental Finland).
This is an ideal place to practice communication, leadership and public speaking skills.
Our meetings usually include following agenda:
1) one to three prepared speeches (5-7 min)
2) four to five impromptu speech session (1-2 min)
3) speech evaluation session
All guests are warmly welcome to our meetings.
It is the right place for meeting like minded individuals wants to improve the communication and leadership skills in a friendly and casual environment.
Our guests would be highly encouraged to take part in Impromptu speech session. We are also glad to hear your feedback at the end of each meeting.
Timing is very important in our meetings and for that reason we start our meetings exactly at 6 pm EET. So please arrive at least 15 minutes earlier to meet and greet old and new fellow members and guests.
Once again, we are delighted to welcome many of you to our unique meetings!
Toastmasters – now in Oulu too!
- Newly established club for Oulu in 2022
- BiWeekly meetings on Tuesday evenings
- Great network of like-minded speakers and who want to become them
- Improve yourself
Polku ry
Luontokuvausta Suomen arvokkaan luonnon puolesta
Nature photography to store and protect our valuable Finnish nature.
Photographic enthusiasts unite
Pohjoisen Luontokuvaajat eli Polku, on vuonna 1994 perustettu luonnonvalokuvaajien yhteisö. Polun tarkoituksena on edistää pohjoissuomalaisen luonnon tunnettavuutta ja luontokuvausta sekä toimia kuvaajien välisenä yhdyssiteenä.
Yhdistyksemme kotipaikka on Oulu, mutta joukkoomme ovat tervetulleita kaikki pohjoissuomalaisen luonnon kuvaamisesta kiinnostuneet. Toiminnassamme on mukana niin luontokuvauksen ammattilaisia ja aktiiviharrastajia kuin myös luontokuvausta vasta aloittelevia. Yhdistävänä tekijänä on halu kehittää taitoja luontokuvaajana. Jäseniä meillä on noin 150, joista kaukaisin Pohjois-Norjasta.
Teemme yhteistyötä valtakunnallisen Suomen Luonnonvalokuvaajat SLV ry:n kanssa. Polku liittyi Suomen Luonnonvalokuvaajiin ensimmäisenä yhdistysjäsenenä vuonna 2014.
Edistämme jäsenistömme luontokuvausosaamista koulutuksella ja jäsenilloissa. Luomme yhteisöllisyyttä ja innostusta tapaamisissa, retkillä, kuvakilpailujen, näyttelyiden ja yhteistyön avulla. Emme koe luontokuvausta pelkästään harrastuksena, vaan myös luonnonsuojelu- ja kulttuurityönä. Taltiomme Suomen ainutlaatuista ja arvokasta luontoa pyrkimyksenä vaikuttaa luontoarvojen ja luonnon monimuotoisuuden säilyttämiseen.
Teemme voimavarojen puitteissa yhteistyötä sekä koti- että ulkomaisten valokuvausseurojen sekä toimintaamme sivuavien kulttuuritoimijoiden ja yhteisöjen kanssa.
English version
Pohjoisen Luontokuvaajat Polku ry (Northern Nature Photographers Polku rs)
The society Pohjoisen Luontokuvaajat Polku ry was established 1994. Its mission is to promote awareness of the remarkable Northern nature and nature photography and support collaboration among nature photographers.
The hometown of the society is Oulu, but we welcome to our group all photographers interested in Northern nature. The membership consists of a wide spectrum of enthusiasts, professionals and beginners who are interested in nature, and like to develop their skills and change ideas with like-minded. We have more than 140 members, the most distant living in Northern Norway.
Polku collaborates with Suomen Luonnonvalokuvaajat (SLV) ry and was the first society member to join SLV in 2014.
Polku promotes skills and creativity of its members by training, mutual photo presentations and discussions in social media and in frequent member meetings. We invite talented experts and encourage them to unveil their skills and photos for member advantage. Polku promotes the sense of community with photography treks, internal and public photo competitions and exhibitions. We consider the nature photography not only
as a hobby or a profession but also as a culture mission which stores and maintains values and diversity of the nature.
Despite our limited resources, Polku aim is to collaborate with national and international nature photography society and also with other cultural actors being connected to our mission: Nature photography to store and protect our valuable Finnish nature.
Polku ry facts
- The society Pohjoisen Luontokuvaajat Polku ry was established 1994.
- more than 190 members
- Polku promotes skills and creativity of its members by training, mutual photo presentations and discussions in social media and in frequent member meetings.
Avania Consulting Oy
Verkkokaupan asiantuntija paveluksessasi / Ecommerce professional at your service
Need your shop to be crisp and clear? User friendly and functional too? Well that´s what we deal with on a daily basis.
Your solutions for a good webshop from here
Avania on erikoistunut verkkokaupparatkaisuihin. Kokemusta verkkokauppojen rakentamisesta löytyy Magentolla, WooCommercella, MyCashflowlla sekä Shopifylla. Käytettävyys on vahvasti mukana projekteissa.
Avania is specialized in ecommerce solutions. We use Magento, WooCommerce, MyCashflow and Shopify as platforms. We also have a strong usability perspective in our work.
Avania in a Nutshell
- Company was founded 2006
- Usability and eCommerce are the specialties.
- Webshop expert
- Fun Fact: Have never used the copy machine in who knows how many years in Njetworking. It is a scary piece of technology.
JS Hercules Oy
JS Hercules community – an umbrella organisation for football enthusiasts
The Hercules community has around 2.500 football players throughout the Oulu region
Not only a football club but an influential force in the Oulu region
It all started back in 1998 as a gathering of passionate footballs players, who wanted to play the game, but weren´t real professionals. The gathered from the universities in Oulu going for weekly practising and expanding to others who had the same passion.
Over the years more and more people gathered and a huge network was created connecting people from many backgrounds.
What started as a grass root movement grew over the years and affected and influenced many people from the network creating new opportunities, ideas and sometimes businesses too.
As of 2015 the club had grown through the network and the associated sports clubs to go more professional being able to attract good talent and promote them. Many other initiatives were founded out of this network like the E-Sports section and neighborhood activity programme Lähirähinä.
JS Hercules in a Nutshell
- Founded in Oulu 1998
- Influential football club in the Oulu region
- huge network of players and coaches
- idea giver in other areas of sports like e-sports and neighborhood free-time activities
Wannado Marketing Oy
Digital assistant and services for your company
Wannado is a digital assistant and problem-solving service. We do your unfinished work remotely, flexibly, and effectively.
Wannado on digitaalinen assistentti- ja ongelmanratkaisupalvelu. Me tehdään tekemättömät työt. Etänä tai läsnä. Ilman sitoutumista.
What Wannado can do for you
Websites, social media, graphics, finance, sales, customer service… Wannado’s #SuperAssistants will help your company or organisation in all operative areas, when you need it, and to the extent that you wish. You determine the deadline and details of the work – our team will take care of the execution. You can also use our experience in planning and management: we offer expert services and help with strategic planning and market research.
Nettisivut, sosiaalinen media, graffat, taloushallinto, myynti, asiakaspalvelu… Wannadon #SuperAssarit auttavat yritystäsi ja yhdistystäsi kaikessa operatiivisessa toiminnassa, kun sitä tarvitset, sellaisessa laajuudessa kuin haluat. Sinä määrittelet deadlinen ja työn speksit – me teemme tekemättömät työt. Saat meiltä myös asiantuntijapalvelua, apua strategiseen suunnitteluun ja markkinatutkimukset!
Wannado in a Nutshell
- Established 2011
- The original remote company
- Offices in Spain and Finland
- More than 50 #Super Assistants available at your service