Flexible way to work when you’re in town

Are you visiting Oulu and looking for a place to work just for 1 day? Or just want to meet up with a customer for a quick chat? Our DayPass access is your answer.

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Our DayPass access option

Knowing that many people sometimes have to go other places or travel for working we see some of them in restaurants, cafés or libraries working away on there laptops and phones. As much as this is common today though you sometimes want a bit more professional approach and environment when doing work or meeting someone.

This is why we have created our DayPass access to the Njetworking coworking space. We offer a nice professional and calmer environment where you can focus deeply on your work or have a quick meeting with customers or business partners in our lounge area.

And besides that you have the chance to meet our Njetworkers and make connection or come across new opportunities. On top of that we throw in non-stop coffee or tea service.

DayPass access pricing

What is the price for this? Well probably less then when you would sit at a restaurant of coffeehouse all day

15€ all inclusive

DayPass access features

  • Meet fellow Njetworkers
  • Pick place to work in our lounge area
  • Non-stop coffee service
  • Roam freely on public areas
  • Fast WiFi
  • Chance of finding new opportunities and network