School of Gaming
Pelien peli – Game of Games
Learning while gaming
School of Gaming tarjoaa pelikasvatusta verkossa. Kaikkien oppituntiemme pääpaino on elämäntaitojen opettelussa. Suuntautumisvaihtoehdot (esports, Minecraft ja teknologia) määrittävät puitteet, joissa taitoja opetellaan.
We are an online school that teaches children various academic, professional and social skills by using Minecraft, Roblox and other games as tools.
SOG – gamers facts
- Founded 2020
- Startup who started going global from Indonesia and then continued to Chile, Peru and Honduras.
- The home of game education with over 100 game educators around the world
Funny fact
- If you need to use the copy machine at Njetworking ask help from Marko